Thursday, November 7, 2013

Who Am I?

Simple Clean Mom??? Do these words really belong together?  You must think I am crazy and maybe I am. My goal every day is to make things as simple and clean as I can.  As a wife and mother of three children ages 5, 3, and 1, this is not always obtainable and definitely not easy. 
My plan is to share with you things that made my day simple and clean or just things that made me smile. My posts may be about food I made that is either "clean eating" or simple to make, things I did with my kids- we do "Mommy preschool" everyday, or things I did around the house-I clean a lot- I have 3 kids :) 
I don't claim to be an expert at anything I do and I don't think that what works for me with absolutely work for everyone, but I do know what works for me and my family- sometimes :)  As a former teacher I have some expertise in the education field, but aside from that I am just a mom and a wife who learns something new everyday.  I hope I can make your day a little more Simple and Clean!